FMD Training & Pet Wellness
Customized in home dog training to match your specific needs
Pet Wellness includes:
Advanced Animal Reiki ~ Canine Massage
Laser Light Therapy ~ End-of-Life Animal Care

About Me
My journey to becoming a dog trainer is quite simple, because it started with becoming a dog owner myself!
In 2014, I adopted my first of two dogs from Taiwan, Dottie and Tiana the following year in 2015. With no idea what I was doing, I attended beginner, intermediate and advanced classes with both dogs, learning and making mistakes along the way. I began reading books and watching training videos online to better myself as a dog owner, and to help my dogs succeed.
As I became more confident, I found myself easily answering questions for other dog owners, and providing tips that worked for me, to help improve their relationship with their pups. This felt so amazing, and I loved helping other dog lovers.
At that point, I asked my dog trainer about the process to becoming a dog trainer myself. And as simple as that, she took me under her wing as an apprentice. Not only did this allow me to gain incredible knowledge and experience, but it also allowed me to develop my own techniques and learn what works for different dogs and owners. By the end of my apprenticeship, I was teaching classes on my own! It all felt so natural, almost as if I was meant to do this!
I started FMD Training in August 2017 to help dog owners, just like me, learn to build and embrace a relationship with their dog(s). My training services have become a huge part of me, and nothing brings me more joy or satisfaction than watching you and your dog have those "Aha" moments!
My First Dog
My family got Stormy when I was 6 months old.
We were best friends until we were both 17 and he crossed the bridge.

On April 30, 2021, I had a very traumatic fall resulting in a severe and complicated break to my knee and surrounding bones (a level V Tibial Plateau Fracture). As a result, I've been to the OR 4 times now and went from 3 plates and 15 screws to just 1 plate and 2 screws! At some point, hopefully, many years down the road, I will have to have a knee replacement but I'll be ready!
This fall came just months after losing my mom February 2021 and I lost my dad at the beginning of August 2022.
I have truly appreciated and felt all the messages from you, it was more helpful than you know. Working with your dogs has helped to heal my heart and never fails to put a smile on my face :)
To say I'm grateful to my community, clients, friends and family is an extreme understatement!! You have all stuck by my side and together we've accomplished so much!!
This little video shows some moments from the year following my fall!