FMD Training & Pet Wellness
Customized in home dog training to match your specific needs
Pet Wellness includes:
Advanced Animal Reiki ~ Canine Massage
Laser Light Therapy ~ End-of-Life Animal Care

Let's Turn Your Stress Into Success
Your training session is customized to match needs of you + your dog, followed by homework
so you can continue to work with your dog in between sessions.
My journey to becoming a dog trainer is simple, but it all started with my deep passion for helping people and my love for all dogs.
My ultimate goal is to help you find balance, gain confidence and strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
Based out of Ajax, Ontario, Canada Serving Durham Region, Cobourg and Port Hope. Complete my booking request form to schedule a session.
Reader's Choice Awards 2024
The Reader's Choice voting is now open until August 16th, 2024.
I have been nominated in both Ajax/Pickering and Oshawa/Whitby.
I would LOVE your support so please click the links below to cast your votes!!
Can we make this FIVE years in a row??!! With YOUR help I can!! Thank you!

Community Awards!